Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's Official!

So, I've always been a bargain shopper.  I LOVE the thrill of a deal - and pretty much refuse to pay full price for anything.  I thought it would be fun to see how much can be bought at a discount - and decided to start a little experiment in cost conscious consumption.  Starting today until December 31, 2012, my goal is to pay less than retail for EVERYTHING!!!

I think some aspects will be easy - like grocery shopping - I always use coupons so that won't be much different.  However, does this mean all items I buy have to have a coupon?  Or does it just have to be on sale/discount and not full price?    I'll figure that out as we go along.

I think the harder items will be things like fuel, services and restaurants.  My all time fav restaurant NEVER has coupons or discounts - so figuring out how to still eat there and NOT pay full price will be a challenge.

Also - I'm limiting this to "new" items only.  While great deals can be found at thrift shops, I'm more curious to see what I can accomplish through couponing, discount sites and maybe a little bartering! :-)

I'll post my successes and (hopefully!) limited failures as I go along.  Feel free to play along too!

Happy consuming!



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